The Real World: Jacksonville

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The Real World
Genre Reality Competition
Created by Piperjr
Country of Origin United States
Language(s) English
No. of Episodes 13
Preceded by
Followed by

The Real World: Jacksonville is the twenty-fourth season of the hit reality television series The Real World.

Cast[edit | edit source]

Cast Member Age Hometown
Alison Isaacson 23 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Brady Poole 22 Salem, Oregon
Erika Little 24 Oakland, California
Gwen Randall 21 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Justin Gould 22 New Orleans, Louisiana
Nate Hughes 24 Tempe, Arizona
Patrick Butler 21 Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Challenges[edit | edit source]

Cast member The Challenges Challenges won Total Money Earned
Alison Isaacson Rivals, Battle of the Exes II, Rivals II Rivals II $64,500
Brady Poole Battle of the Seasons II, Rivals II None $0
Erika Little Rivals, Battle of the Seasons II, Battle of the Exes II, Free Agents, Sacrifice, Rivals III, Invasion of the Champions,
Battle of the Exes II, Rivals III $263,500
Gwen Randall Battle of the Seasons II, Rivals II, Free Agents, Sacrifice, Rivals III, XXX: Dirty 30 None $10,000
Justin Gould Battle of the Exes II, Rivals II, Free Agents, XXX: Dirty 30 XXX: Dirty 30 $451,000
Nate Hughes Rivals, Battle of the Exes II None $0
Patrick Butler Rivals, Battle of the Seasons II, Battle of the Exes II, Rivals II, Free Agents, Sacrifice, Rivals III None $12,500

Challenges in bold indicate the cast member was a finalist on the Challenge.